Chris Flowers Tracks Financial Services in the U.S. & Japan: 1999, 2009 and 2019

October 15, 2009 - October 15, 2009
past event image
Corporate Program past event

The past ten years have ushered in dramatic transformation in the financial services industry in Japan and the United States. The former underwent substantial structural reform to rid itself of bad bank debt incurred during the asset bubble of the early 1990s, and revitalized its financial markets commensurate with other international markets and with its own economic strength. The latter saw ever more complex innovations in its financial products and cheap credit that allowed investors to shoulder greater risk. The current financial crisis has proven neither country’s system infallible and opened the door for substantial regulatory reform in the future. J. Christopher Flowers, instrumental in resurrecting Shinsei Bank, the former Long-Term Credit Bank of Japan, provides historic perspective to explain the path to the present, and suggests what the coming ten years have in store.

J. Christopher Flowers
, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, J.C. Flowers & Co. LLC

Jun Makihara
, Chairman, Neoteny Co., Ltd.; Director, Japan Society


12-12:30 pm Registration & reception
12:30-1 Luncheon
1-2 Lecture and Q&A


Corporate members are entitled to a designated number of free admissions to this event, based on their company’s current membership level. These reservations must be made at least 48 hours prior to the event. Additional corporate registrants and Japan Society individual members at the Patron Circle level and above pay the discounted corporate member rate of $45 for lunch and lecture, $10 for lecture only. Nonmember admission: $65 for lunch and lecture, $15 lecture only. The academic and government admission rate is $30 for the luncheon and $10 for lecture only. When payment is required, prepayment must be made, or registration secured, with a credit card. All registrations and cancellations must be made at least 48 hours prior to the event. Substitutions are welcome.

Registration for this event is closed.

For information only, please contact the Corporate Program at 212-715-1208 or send email to [email protected].




12:00-12:30     受付・レセプション
12:30-13:00     昼食会
13:00-14:00     講演・質疑応答


お問い合わせはジャパン・ソサエティー法人会員事業部まで:[email protected]、212-715-1208

  • Oct 15, 2009 at 1:00 pm