Big Dance Theater: The Other Here

February 7, 2007
past event image
past event

Centennial Kick-Off Event
World Premiere Japan Society Commission
Wednesday – Saturday, February 7-10 at 7:30 pm
Saturday, February 10 also at 3 pm

Japan Society’s centennial kicks off with the world premiere commission from Big Dance Theater, the Bessie and Obie-winning dance-theater company led by choreographer Annie-B Parson and director Paul Lazar. Layered with the company’s fearless fusion of dance, music and visual design, The Other Here weaves a modern journey through the ethereal stories of famed Japanese novelist Masuji Ibuse (1898-1993). A beautiful projected carp leads the audience through the lives of a master and servant in Japan’s countryside (Life at Mr. Tange’s), a lonely young man in modern-day Tokyo (The Carp) and the Million Dollar Round Table–the global conference of life insurance salespeople. Okinawan pop music and traditional dance celebrate this revelatory collision of East and West, launching a surreal quest for purpose in the modern world.

Opening night performance will be followed by the Centennial Kick-Off Party.

Tickets: $35/$30 Japan Society members.  Purchase tickets online below or call the Box Office at (212) 715-1258.


  • Wednesday, February 7, 2007
  • 7:30 pm