Benjamin Britten’s Curlew River

Thursday, April 12 – Saturday, April 14
7:30 pm
Originally a production of Rouen/Haute-Normandie Opera, Normandy, France, this gorgeous opera features an international cast from the UK, France and the U.S. Internationally-acclaimed Paris-based director/actor Yoshi Oida directs with musical director/conductor David Stern, son of Isaac Stern and principal conductor of Opera Fuoco in Paris. Based on the classic noh play Sumidagawa, the incandescent opera Curlew River was composed by 20th-century British composer Benjamin Britten in 1964. The story follows a madwoman mourning the death of her young son who embarks upon a journey to his burial site with a ferryman. Though Britten set his opera in medieval Europe, it draws deeply from the original noh not only in story but also in the austerity of theatrical and musical form.
Tickets: $52/$45 Japan Society members & French Institute Alliance Française members (FIAF members please call the Box Office for tickets). Purchase tickets online below or call the Box Office at (212) 715-1258.
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- Friday, April 13, 2007
- 7:30 pm