Ask the Experts: COVID-19 Virtual Q&A
Drawing Lessons from Japan to New York

April 23, 2020
past event image
Business & Policy past event
Virtual Q&A

Drawing Lessons from Japan to New York
Date: TBA

Japan is one of the earlier countries to be affected by COVID-19, now declared a global pandemic. What lessons can we learn from Japan’s experience? How does it compare to the responses in New York and elsewhere? To answer your pre-submitted questions on this novel virus, Japan Society has invited two medical professionals from Mount Sinai and the Center for Disease Control (CDC). They will participate in an on-line discussion to offer their latest insights on this novel virus, its potential trajectory, assess the current situation in Japan and the United States, and discuss how the world can better respond to infectious diseases in the future. The video of the discussion will be available here at a later date.  

Submit your questions!
We are currently soliciting your questions. We hope you take advantage of this opportunity to have those lingering concerns addressed. Your questions will remain anonymous and will only be referred to by your first name and city of residence. Please submit your questions to: [email protected] by [date].


Joshua W. Walker, Ph.D., President & CEO, Japan Society

For more information, please contact the Business and Policy Program at [email protected].

  • Thursday, April 23, 2020
  • 12:00 am