6th New York Conference on R & I Ratings and Japan’s Capital Market Trends

Friday, October 12
In October 2007, the 6th New York Conference of R&I will be held in New York City. An eminent speaker from Nikkei Inc. will give a keynote speech about Japan’s political situation. Followed by panel discussion on recent changes in Japan’s real estate market and the structural reform of the Japanese municipal bond market.
Held at Murase Room, Japan Society, 333 East 47th Street New York, NY 10017
Registration opens at 1:30 pm
“Policies of the New ‘Fukuda Cabinet’ and Its Implications on Capital Market” Presented by Mr. Mutsumi Nishida, Senior and Editorial Writer,Political News Department, Editorial Bureau, Nikkei Inc.**
The municipal governments and real estate sector in Japan are facing structural changes and attract the attention and investments of not only domestic but also foreign investors. The R&I analysts in charge of these sectors will present their view on the market trend and analysis of the credit-worthiness of the sector. These presentations will be followed by panel discussion and Q&A session.
PRESENTERS “Credit Rating Viewpoints over Recent Real Estate Market in Japan” Mr. Masaki Masuda, Chief Analyst“ Deregulation of Japanese Municipal Bond Market and the Impact on Credit Ratings Mr. Koichiro Uno, Chief Analyst
MODERATORMs. Alicia Ogawa, Director, Program on Alternative Investments, Center on Japanese Economy and Business, Columbia UniversitBusiness School.
14:00 -14:10 Subprime Mortgage Backed Securities and R&I’s Ratingsby Mr. Yasuhiro Harada, Chairman and Co-CEO, R&I
14:10 -15:30 Keynote speech by Mr. Mutsumi Nishida, Nikkei Inc. followed by Q&A
15:30 -17:00 Presentation & Panel Discussion by R&I analysts and Ms. Ogawa
17:00 – Reception (Sushi will be served)
*R&I: Rating and Investment Information, Inc. is one of the most credible credit rating agencies in Japan with 30 year history.** Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Nikkei Inc.), is one of the largest media corporations in Japan with over 3,000,000circulation. Nikkei specializes in publishing financial, business and industry news.
Admission Free —–Pre-registration is required. Please visit www.r-i.co.jp/seminar
Organized by Rating and Investment Information, Inc. (R&I) *
- Friday, October 12, 2007
- 1:30 pm