Japanese Language Lesson 10: Particles
In this lesson, you will learn an introduction to Japanese particles (specifically wa は, ni に, to と and de で). In the next lessons, we’ll discuss particles further along with more grammar and sentence structure!
particle は (wa) = topic marker
Example: Mary goes. = Mary-san は (wa) ikimasu.
particle に (ni) – place + ni = indicates direction/place
Example: Mary goes to Boston. = Mary-san は (wa) Boston に (ni) ikimasu.
particle に (ni) – specific time + ni = indicates specific moment in time
Example: Mary goes to Boston at 3 o’clock. = Mary-san は (wa) Boston に (ni) sanji に (ni) ikimasu.
*For relative time (ex. tomorrow, next week, last year, next month, etc.) you do not use the particle ni. Only use ni for specific time.
particle と (to) – with someone + to = indicates with someone
Example: Mary goes to Boston with her mother. = Mary-san は (wa) Okaasan と (to) Boston に (ni) ikimasu.
particle で (de) – transportation + de = indicates mode of transportation
Example: Mary goes to Boston on a plane. = Mary-san は (wa) hikouki で (de) Boston に (ni) ikimasu.